Clients & Projects

North Bay, Ontario


The North Bay Regional Health Centre is being built to replace North Bay’s existing hospital facilities and is comprised of the new North Bay General Hospital and the new Northeast Mental Health Centre.

HVAC systems include for:
  • Complex Chiller, Heating Water Boiler and Steam Plants
  • Air Handling Units with Constant Volume Boxes
Partnering with PCL, the services provided by CFMS:
  • Mechanical Systems Installation Reviews
  • Functional Testing of all major HVAC Systems
  • Performance testing of HVAC systems
  • Preparation and presentation of systems operating manual
  • Seasonal performance testing of HVAC systems


Gross Floor Area
  • 750,000 sf
Construction Cost
  • Total $551 million

The project is being delivered under the Government of Ontario’s Infrastructure Ontario Alternate Financing Program (AFP)

Why Commissioning