Clients & Projects


York Region District School Board

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In 1996 CFMS Consulting Inc. was awarded the commissioning services project for Ashton Meadows Public School which became the first of 150+ YRDSB projects for CFMS.  Due to the vast growth that the region has undergone within the last 20 years, CFMS has had the privilege to be involved in a variety of different project types such as new schools, additions and renovations.  This has brought forth a large cross-section of building design, construction and development scenarios, providing CFMS with a thorough understanding of all the unique aspects YRDSB projects require. 

CFMS’s relationship management skills have been paramount in ensuring smooth project completion for the YRDSB in a number of unique situations over the duration of the relationship. For example, some schools are connected to other public institutions in that they share a common building with other School Boards. This requires working with new stakeholders and other teams to ensure all participants’ needs are met, while maintaining YRDSB standards.

With YRDSB being among some of the most efficient schools in Ontario, they have developed a design standard which includes variable flow pumping in the boiler primary loop, variable speed fans on constant volume units and building automation system (BAS) controlled daylighting in the classrooms.  The CFMS team has had the privilege to help execute these standards and as well, be involved in the implementation in their innovative BAS control sequences with strict time of day scheduling.

Why Commissioning