News & Press

December 11, 2019

OAA 'Queen's Park Picks' Winners Announced

Typically the winners of the OAA celebration of "Queen's Park Picks" are announced for World Architecture Day in October, but this year the winners were unveiled last night at Queen's Park.  The winners are chosen from a list submitted by MPPs' favourite examples of excellent architecture in Ontario.  CFMS was excited to see two projects we provided commissioning for on the list of eight winners.  

It's not really surprising that York University's Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence made the list, nor the Aaniin Community Centre and Library.  The award gives people a chance to get to know more about these buildings.  Find out more about the Bergeron Centre and Aaniin CC + Library in their OAA write ups.  Read the full list, which includes past winners that CFMS also provided commissioning for, like the MacLahren Art Centre and North Bay Regional Health Centre

A big congrats to Zas Architects for the Bergeron Centre, and Perkins + Will for Aaniin!  Well deserved!  CFMS is always pleased to be part of your team, providing commissioning services!  


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